报 告 人:寺野隆雄(Takao TERANO),日本千叶商科大学(Chiba University of Commerce)教授
报告题目:Understanding Tacit- and Articulated-Knowledge in Organizational Learning through Agent-Based Modeling?
内容简介:In this talk, focusing on the topic of organizational learning in organizational science, he will discuss the understanding of tacit and articulated knowledge through agent-based modelling. Firsts, he describe how he started the research on agent-based modelling. Next, the basic idea of organizational learning will be explained, focusing on the perspective of management organization theory, and a feasible agent-based model will be discussed. Third, he will argue that the organizational learning-oriented classifier system, which can be applied to practical complex engineering problems. Forth, the necessity and challenges of applying agent models to organizational learning will be discussed.
报告人简介: Takao TERANO is currently Professor, Vice President, Chiba Univeristy of Commerce. He is both Professor Emeritus both of Tokyo Institute of Technology and University of Tsukuba, Japan. He received BA degree in Mathematical Engineering in 1976 from University of Tokyo, M. A. degree in Information Engineering in 1978 from University of Tokyo, and Doctor of Engineering Degree in 1991 from Tokyo Institute of Technology. His research interests include Agent-based Modeling, Knowledge Systems, Evolutionary Computation, and Service Science. He is a member of the editorial board of major Artificial Intelligence- and System science- related academic societies in Japan and a member of IEEE. He is also the president of PAAA.