
报 告 人:翟超,自动化学院特任教授
报告题目:Modeling and Control of Social Motor Coordination in Joint Actions
内容简介:The mirror game has been recently proposed as a simple, yet powerful paradigm for studying interpersonal coordination. It has been suggested that a virtual partner able to play the game with human subjects provides new clinical interventions for the rehabilitation of patients suffering from social disorders. In this talk we introduce a novel interactive cognitive architecture based on nonlinear control theory to drive a virtual player (VP) to play the mirror game with a human player (HP) in different configurations. Movement of the end-effector of the VP is modeled by means of a feedback controlled Haken-Kelso-Bunz (HKB) oscillator, which is coupled with the observed motion of the HP measured in real time. To this aim, two types of control algorithms (adaptive control and optimal control) are used and implemented on the HKB model so that the VP can generate human-like motion while satisfying certain kinematic constraints. A proof of convergence of the control algorithms is presented together with an extensive numerical and experimental validation of their effectiveness in clinical applications.