报 告 人:寺野隆雄,日本东京工业大学(Tokyo Institute of Technology)教授
报告题目:A Shape of Agent-Based Modeling to Come-
From Artificial Intelligence to Collective Intelligence
内容简介:In this talk, I would like to draw the shape of Agent-Based Modeling (ABM) to come referring to our recent studies. In the literature, the experimental approach to management or organizational sciences started from the pioneering work by Cyert and March in 1960's However, because of the limits of computer performance and the hurdles of programming difficulties for social scientists, the approach has not been successful in those days. The second leap with agent-based modeling was found in the early 1990's. Interestingly, the movement of agent-based approach to social simulation or experimental management science spontaneously emerged in the worldwide.
Today, we must extend the fruitful research field because of the following two reasons. First, recent rapid progress of computer and network technologies makes us possible to easily implement computer-based simulation models. Such models help us to carry out simulation practices with both machine agents and human subjects. Using such models, we are able to operationalize the concepts and ways of thinking of traditional management sciences. Second, we must develop the new principles of design and implementation of societies. Contrary to physical sciences domains, there are no first principles in management science domains. Therefore, the experimental approach is indispensable to uncover the secrets of human societies. For the purpose, I would like to focus upon the following three points: Interaction Loop among Micro-, Mezzo-, and Macro-Levels, Architecture and Code, and Control and Harness.
报告人介绍:Takao TERANO is a professor at School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology. He received BA degree in Mathematical Engineering in 1976 from University of Tokyo, M. A. degree in Information Engineering in 1978 from University of Tokyo, and Doctor of Engineering Degree in 1991 from Tokyo Institute of Technology.
His research interests include Agent-based Modeling, Knowledge Systems, Evolutionary Computation, and Service Science. He is a member of the editorial board of major Artificial Intelligence- and System science- related academic societies in Japan and a member of IEEE, AAAI, and ACM. He is also the president of PAAA.