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报  告 人:大山恭弘教授,东京工科大学工学部学部长


1)New Education in School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Technology Sustainable Engineering and Co-op Education
2)Control System of Electric Walker About development of Electric “RAKU WALK”  (A Life Support Robot)  


Name:Yasuhiro Ohyama


School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Technology

Brief Biographical History:

1985 PhD degrees in Engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology
1985-1991 director of Advanced Control Laboratory Inc.
1991- Lecturer, Tokyo University of Technology
1996- Associate
Professor, Tokyo University of Technology
2002- Professor, Tokyo University of Technology
2015 Dean, School of engineering, Professor, Tokyo University of Technology
Main Works:
・Internet-Based Teaching and Experiment System for Control Engineering Course, 
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.55, No.6, pp. 2386-2396, June (2008) 
・Master-Slave Electric Cart Control System for maintaining/Improving Physical Strength, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, pp.481-490, Vol.22, No.3, June(2006)
・Teaching Sampled-Data H∞ Control Theory Using Arm Robot Experiment System,
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, No.6,pp.585–593, June(2011)
・Human Body Motion Interface and Its Applications, JSDE journal of Design Engineering, Vol.50, No4, pp.169-175, April(2015)

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