  意大利米兰理工大学 Ham…



人:苏春翌,加拿大康考迪亚大学(Concordia University)教授

报告题目:Modeling and Control of Hysteretic Nonlinear Systems

内容简介:Hysteresis nonlinearities are very common in magnetic materials, smart materials and industrial systems. For decades, the existence of such nonlinearities has provided one of the most difficult challenges to control design engineers since the entire Laplace domain and most state space control design techniques were developed exclusively for differentiable linear or nonlinear systems. Hence, the controllers were designed where the existence of hysteresis nonlinearities in practical systems were neglected. When the systems are considered with Hysteresis (non-differentiable) nonlinearities, these methods encountered substantial difficulties in the analysis, model fitting and control design stages. It was extremely difficult, if not impossible, to design or prove stability of such systems. The development of techniques for the identification of such nonlinearities in realistic industrial plants has emerged as a significant problem in itself.

This talk is intended to raise awareness of modeling and control techniques and to provide an opportunity to discuss state-of-the-art solutions for the problems. The presentation and discussion will range from modeling of hysteresis, to the design of corresponding control schemes, especially in the absence of complete information concerning the system model and state. The talk is designed to appeal to an audience from different backgrounds. People working in the area of control will have a chance to interchange ideas and to view problems from different perspectives. People working in other areas will also benefit by understanding the new methods and technologies developed for control’s point of view.

报告人简介:Dr. Chun-Yi Su received his Ph.D. degrees in control engineering from South China University of Technology in 1990. After a seven-year stint at the University of Victoria, he joined Concordia University in 1998, where he is currently a Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and holder of Concordia University Research Chair in Control.  His research covers control theory and its applications to various mechanical systems, with a focus on control of systems involving hysteresis nonlinearities. He is the author or co-author of over 400 publications, which have appeared in journals, as book chapters and in conference proceedings.

Dr. Su has been an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Mechatronics, Control Engineering Practice, and several other journals. He has served as General Chair/Co-Chair for many international conferences.