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报告人:川田诚一,日本东京都立产业技术大学院大学  教授                  5F52

Seiichi Kawata , Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Japan 

报告主题:Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Systems



报告时间:319日(星期二10:05 – 11:40


主要内容:Scope of modeling, nonlinearity, nonlinear control


报告时间:321日(星期四10:05 – 11:40


主要内容:Nonlinear control elements and analysis by describing function methods


报告时间:326日(星期二10:05 – 11:40


主要内容:Stability analysis by describing function and phase plane methods


报告时间:328日(星期四10:05 – 11:40


主要内容:Stability analysis of nonlinear systems by Lyapunov theory


报告时间:42日(星期二10:05 – 11:40


主要内容:Sliding mode control system designing


报告时间:49日(星期二10:05 – 11:40


主要内容:Continuous reheating furnace control systems as an example of minimum variance self-tuning control and Chemical batch reactor control systems as an example of sliding mode control

报告人简介:Prof. Seiichi Kawata received B.E. (1977), M.E. (1979) and Ph.D. (1983) all in Osaka University. He served as research associate at Osaka university from 1982 to 1986. From 1986, he joined Tokyo Metropolitan University and received a professorship in 2000. From 2016 to present, he served as President of Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Tokyo Metropolitan Public University Corporation and Vice Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of Tokyo Metropolitan Public University Corporation. He is also a Fellow of SICE (The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers) in Japan and a member of IEEE, JSME (The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers), JSAI (The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence) and ISCIE (Japan the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineer). Dr. Seiichi Kawata’s Research Interests include Industrial control systems design, Optimization of manufacturing systems, Machine Learning, Discrete/continuous hybrid systems modeling and simulation, Service Engineering. He published many papers in the field of Control engineering application for the industrial problem, Soft computing application for the manufacturing systems optimization, Development of the integrated simulator of discrete event systems and continuous systems and Service engineering.

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