报告地点:信息楼自动化学院310报告厅、ZOOM(ID: 886 7249 4406,密码:635293)
报 告 人:川田诚一,日本产业技术大学院大学
(Tokyo Metropolitan Public University Corporation)教授
报告题目:Professional graduate school system in Japan and some experiences in AIIT
内容简介:In this talk, we would like to explain why so many professional graduate schools have started in Japan and what kinds of engineering professional school are run in Japan and how they teach to educate high level professional in such kinds of graduate schools. Then we would like to show some experiences in Advanced Institute of Technology (AIIT) in Japan. There from 22 years old student up to 75 years old student and from the new company employee or just after the graduate students and also manager class industry person or president of their own company come together and learn new technology. It is very unique challenge of professional engineering education and we could show that our curriculum includes not only engineering disciplines but also design school disciplines, management, finance and ethics.
报告人简历:Prof. Seiichi Kawata is a President of Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Tokyo Metropolitan University Public University Corporation. He is SICE (The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Japan) Fellow, He is a Chairperson of APEN (Asia Professional Education Network). He is a member of IEEE, JSME (The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers), SICE (The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Japan) and JSAI (The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence).
Prof. Seiichi Kawata published many papers in the field of Control engineering application for the industrial problem, Soft computing application for the manufacturing systems optimization, Development of the integrated simulator of discrete event systems and continuous systems and Service engineering. His research interest includes Industrial control systems design, Optimization of manufacturing systems, Machine Learning, Discrete/continuous hybrid systems modeling and simulation, and Service Engineering.