
报 告 人:Joseph Spencer,英国利物浦大学教授,IET Fellow
报告题目: Monitoring of Complex Conditions
内容简介:Many people are confused between measurement and monitoring systems. As scientists and engineers we have been trained to do specific measurements of a parameter (e.g., pressure) that can be quantified against a known standard and free from interference from other parameters (e.g., temperature). Monitoring is perceived as doing measurements over time and quantifying trends. However, there is an alternative approach that allows for both following trends but also provides a holistic view of the behavior of a system. The method can also bring together outputs of different measurements and/or sensor systems to provide an overview of a system. Furthermore, this alternative technique can pick events from what looks like noise in the data to emergent behavior in complex systems. Examples will be given to highlight the power of the technique from an engineering perspective which may also be applicable to many areas of science.
报告人简介:Professor Joseph Spencer received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Liverpool (UoL) in 1981, and 1984, respectively. He was a dean of the School of Electrical, Electronic and Computational Sciences (2011-2014), a director of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2009-2011), and a dean of the Graduate School of Engineering (2006-2009) in the UoL. He currently is a fellow of the Institute of Engineering Technology (IET), a director of the Research Center for Intelligent Monitoring Systems in the UoL, and a financial director of the International Gas Discharge and Applications International Series Conference Management Committee. His research interest includes electrical power equipment, intelligent monitoring systems, and renewable energy. He has published more than 150 papers on the internationally top journals (e.g., IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics).