
报 告 人:Vichai Saechout,日本制作大学(Institute of Technologists)教授
报告题目:Sensorless Control for Switched Reluctance Motor Using the Ratio of PWM Periods
内容简介:This work proposes a sensorless control method for switched reluctance motor (SRM) using the ratio of PWM periods. The ratio of the PWM periods of one phase to that of another adjacent phase during exciting by each of hystresis PWM current control is used for the commutation of excitation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified via experiments.
作者简历:Dr. Vichai Saechout received his Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology in 1984, and his Master and Doctoral Degrees in Control Engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1988 and 1991, respectively.
He worked at Plant Systems Development Division, Toshiba Corporation from 1991 to 1992, and worked as an Associate Researcher from 1992 to 2001 at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Then, he joined the Department of Manufacturing, Institute of Technologists, and was a Lecturer from 2001 to 2005, an Associate Professor from 2005 to 2009, and a Professor from 2009.
He has been devoted himself to the study of power systems, robotics, mechatronics, etc., and has published a serials of research papers on those topics.
Dr. Vichai Saechout has been a member of the Academic Committee of Thai Students’ Association in Japan under the Royal Patronage (TSAJ) since 1987, and was the President of Association of Thai Professionals in Japan (ATPIJ) from 2008 to 2016.