报告人:韩清龙 教授(Professor Qing-Long Han)
澳大利亚 格里菲斯大学(Griffith University, Australia)讲座教授
澳大利亚 格里菲斯大学(Griffith University, Australia)科学学部副部长(研究)
报告题目:Network-based modeling and active control for offshore steel jacket platform with TMD mechanisms
The network-based modelling and active control for an offshore steel jacket platform with an active tuned mass damper mechanism is investigated. A network-based dynamic model of the offshore platform is first established. A network-based state feedback control scheme is developed. Under this scheme, the corresponding closed-loop system is modelled by a system with an artificial interval time-varying delay. Then, a delay-dependent stability criterion for the corresponding closed-loop system is derived. Based on this stability criterion, a sufficient condition on the existence of the network-based controller is obtained. It is found through simulation results that (i) both the oscillation amplitudes of the offshore platform and the required control force under the network-based state feedback controller are smaller than those under the nonlinear controller and the dynamic output feedback controller; (ii) the oscillation amplitudes of the offshore steel jacket platform under the network-based feedback controller are almost the same as the ones under the integral sliding mode controller, while the required control force by the former is smaller than the one by the latter.
韩清龙教授(Professor Qing-Long Han)简介
韩清龙教授(Professor Qing-Long Han), 现为澳大利亚Griffith University 教授、博导、科学学部副部长(研究)。 1997年于华东理工大学工业自动化专业获得博士学位,1997年至1998年在法国Université de Poitiers从事博士后研究,1999年至2001年在美国Southern Illinois University任研究助理教授,2001年至2014年在澳大利亚Central Queensland University任高级讲师、副教授、教授(讲座) 、桂冠教授, 2007年至2014年任澳大利亚Central Queensland University高等教育部副部长(研究与创新), 智能与网络化系统科学研究中心主任。2014年至今在澳大利亚Griffith University任教授(讲座), 博导、科学学部副部长(研究)。在IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control、Automatica、IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing、IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems、IEEE Transactions on Circuit Systems I: Regular Papers等国际重要刊物上发表了190余篇论文,其中IEEE Transactions和Automatica论文60余篇。被SCI收录190余篇,被国际学者SCI 引用 5618次,SCI 他引5118次,SCI h-指数 (h-index): 39, 引用国家 30 余个。于2014年6月入选汤森路透 (Thomson Reuters) 2014年“高被引科学家”,来自世界各国工程领域总共有187名科学家入选。目前担任IEEE工业电子学会网络控制系统及应用专委会主席,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (中国科学院I区期刊)副编辑 (Associate Editor), IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (中国科学院I区期刊)客座编辑 (Guest Editor)。