报告人(一):潘永平,新加坡国立大学Senior Research Fellow
报告题目:Biomimetic Adaptation and Learning for Compliant Robot Control
内容简介:Recently, a major trend of robotic research is shifting from industrial applications to service, intervention, and exploration applications. A key feature of these applications is that robots may physically interact with humans so that safety is the foremost concern. Passive compliant actuation is a natural way toward safe physical human-robot interaction (pHRI), and active control is an enable technique to achieve safe pHRI. Conventional robot control systems usually increase control gains to compensate for high nonlinearities of the robot dynamics resulting in potential dangerous movements, unsafe pHRI, and compromised closed-loop stability. On the contrary, biological systems employ compliant and robust control via low control gains, which avoids the drawbacks of conventional robot control. A feedback error learning framework is a computational model of human motor learning control in the cerebellum. This learning framework possesses two key features, namely internal models and hybrid feedback-feedforward control, which has been well supported by a great deal of neuroscientific evidence. In this take, several bioinspired adaptive/learning control strategies are presented for robots driven by compliant actuators. The effectiveness and superiority of these control strategies are demonstrated by simulations experiments.

报告人(二):陈博奎,新加坡国立大学Senior Research Fellow
个人简介:陈博奎,现任新加坡国立大学特聘研究员。博士毕业于中国科学技术大学。先后在新加坡南洋理工大学和新加坡国立大学担任研究员和特聘研究员等职务。主要从事智能交通系统、自动车无人驾驶、动态路径导航、交通系统仿真、交通流理论等领域的研究。主持和参与国家级和国际合作科研项目10余项,发表多篇SCI收录论文。长期担任Int. J. of Transportation Engineering and Technology等期刊的编委和IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems等SCI一区期刊的审稿人。多次受邀参加国际学术会议并做特邀报告。

报告人(三):耿建昭,剑桥大学工程系、三一学堂(Trinity Hall)在读博士
报告题目:Flux pumping for High Tc Superconducting (HTS) magnets: physics, realization, and applications
内容简介:High Tc Superconductors are enabling in generating high magnetic field for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR).Flux pumps are the kind of devices which are able to inject flux into closed superconducting circuits without electric contact. They are ideal candidates to replace thick current leads in powering HTS magnets, thus significantly reducing heat losses and system mass, enhancing magnetic field stability. The talk is focusing on the recent progresses in flux pumps achieved by the speaker in University of Cambridge, including: explaining the mechanism of flux pumps, presenting new flux pumping methods, and introducing potential applications of these flux pumps.
个人简介:耿建昭, 1989年3月生于河北省唐山市。2011年在华中科技大学获得电气工程学士学位;2014年在清华大学获电气工程硕士学位;2014年10月至今在剑桥大学工程系攻读博士学位(获剑桥大学全额奖学金、2016国家优秀自费留学生奖学金)。主要研究方向为高温超导体的电磁应用,包括:高温超导磁通泵,高温超导磁体,超导开关,超导限流器,以及电力系统保护、控制与自动化等。